Diaz-Maurin, F. (2014). Going beyond the nuclear controversy. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(1): 25–26.

The controversy over nuclear power has been one of the fiercest scientific debates since the 1970s with a continuous evolution of the narratives used on the two sides. The controversy can be attributed to the impossibility of generating a shared perception between social actors over the use of this technology. In fact, one can easily find contrasting – and even opposite – perceptions over nuclear power that simultaneously appears as “clean, secure and cheap” to some, or “dirty, dangerous and not cost-effective” to others. Scientists are thus facing a clear dilemma when dealing with the “nuclear predicament”. This problem lies in the unavoidable existence of different social actors expressing non-equivalent but legitimate perceptions of the same issue based on their values, beliefs and goals. This seems to demonstrate that there is no truth about nuclear power.


Article (open access): http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/es405282z
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